n0=Sn0w'97:/ame is using Sn0w'97 Special Edition. For mIRC 4.72+. Written by: Mark Ryan. Copyright March 13, 97. Get loaded at http://www.netcom.com/~jedi13/sn0w97.zip
n8=..On:/.enable #fserver | /echo 2 * 12Fserve is now activated...
n10=..Off:/.disable #fserver | /closefs | /echo 2 * 12Fserver is now shutdown...
n12=.All Chan Ad:/ame has a fileserver running. My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . You get %sbytes of free starting out bytes. Sn0w'97 Special Edition.
n13=.Every 4 Min. Ad:/timer 0 240 /ame has a fileserver running. My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . You get %sbytes of free starting out bytes. Sn0w'97 Special Edition.
n14=.On Join Ad
n15=..On:/enable #joinad
n17=..Off:/disable #joinad
n20=.Set Away:/.away $?="Enter reason" Sn0w'97 SE | /echo 3 -s * You are now marked as being away | /ame is away right now: $$!
n22=.Set Back:/away | /echo 3 -s * You are now marked as being back | /ame is back now!
n0=Sn0w'97:/describe $nick is using Sn0w'97 Special Edition. Get loaded at http://www.netcom.com/~jedi13/sn0w97.zip
n3=.Give Credits:/givec
n4=.Take Credits:/takec
n6=.Unlimited Credits
n7=..Give:/msg $$1 *You have unlimited credits under the account $$1 $+ . My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . | /writeini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $$1 leech on | /writeini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $$1 credits %sbytes
n9=..Take:/msg $$1 *You no longer have unlimited credits* | /writeini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $nick leech off
n10=.Ban From Fserve
n11=..Ban:/auser 10 $$1 | /msg $$1 You are banned from my fileserver because, $?="Enter reason"
n13=..UnBan:/ruser 10 $$1 | /msg $$1 *You are no longer banned from my fileserver*
n0=Sn0w'97:/describe # has a fileserver running. My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . You get %sbytes of free starting out bytes. Sn0w'97 Special Edition.
n12=.All Chan Ad:/ame has a fileserver running. My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . Sn0w'97 Special Edition. Fast Steel Inc.
n13=.Every 4 Min. Ad
n14=..On:/timer980 0 240 /ame has a fileserver running. My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . Sn0w'97 Special Edition. Fast Steel Inc
n16=..Off:/timer980 0 240 /ame has a fileserver running. My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . Sn0w'97 Special Edition. Fast Steel Inc.
n17=.On Join Ad
n18=..On:/enable #joinad
n20=..Off:/disable #joinad
n23=.Set Away:/.away $?="Enter reason" Sn0w'97 SE | /echo 3 -s * You are now marked as being away | /ame is away right now: $$!
n25=.Set Back:/away | /echo 3 -s * You are now marked as being back | /ame is back now!
n27=.On:/set %chan # | /set %number $rand(1,100) | /msg # I am thinking of a number thats inbetween 1-100... Type '!guess <number>' to take a guess. Good luck! | /enable #numbers | /echo 10 The number is %number $+ .
n29=.Off:/disable #numbers | /msg # I am no longer thinking of a number... Game over!
n0=Sn0w'97:/ame is using Sn0w'97 SE. Written by: Mark Ryan. Copyright January 27, 97. Fast Steel Inc.
n18=..Give:/msg $$1 *You have unlimited credits under the account $$1 $+ . My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . | /writeini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $$1 leech on | /writeini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $$1 credits %sbytes
n20=..Take:/msg $$1 *You no longer have unlimited credits* | /writeini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $nick leech off
n21=.Ban From Fserve
n22=..Ban:/auser 10 $$1 | /msg $$1 You are banned from my fileserver because, $?="Enter reason"
n24=..UnBan:/ruser 10 $$1 | /msg $$1 *You are no longer banned from my fileserver*
n15=msg =$nick Welcome back $nick $+ . You have $readini $mircdir $+ stats.ini $nick credits bytes of downloading credits.
n16=goto end
n18=msg =$nick Welcome back $nick $+ . You have unlimited credits! Enjoy your visit!
n20=.msg $nick Welcome to my fileserver $nick $+ . I am using Sn0w'97 SE. Make sure that before you leave type '/msg = $+ $me lock <pass>'. This way no one can download files from me using your credits you worked for. Then you can join it again and type '/msg = $+ $me unlock <pass>' to download files. Cya!
n22=1:ON SERV:*help*: {
n23=msg =$nick Sn0w'97 Special Edition Help Center.
n24=msg =$nick 1. CD <folder> -Go in a different folder.
n25=msg =$nick 2. CD.. -Go back one dir.
n26=msg =$nick 3. DIR -View whats in that dir(Dos format).
n27=msg =$nick 4. LS -View what in that dir(Unix format).
n28=msg =$nick 5. READ <file> -Read a text document.
n29=msg =$nick 6. GET <file> -Download a file.
n30=msg =$nick 7. LOCK <pass> -Lock your account.
n31=msg =$nick 8. UNLOCK <pass> -Unlock your account.
n45=msg =$nick I will take away credits when transfer is completed.
n46=dcc send $nick $filename
n47=goto end
n49=msg =$nick Sorry $nick $+ , but you dont have enough credits. Please upload for more credits.
n50=goto end
n52=msg =$nick Ok. Resending $parm2 $+ .
n53=msg =$nick This file is free.
n54=dcc send $nick $filename
n55=goto end
n57=msg =$nick Sorry $nick $+ , but the account $nick is locked with a pass. Please type '/msg = $+ $me unlock <pass>' to get access to this account again.
n58=goto end
n60=msg =$nick $parm2 does not exist.
n61=goto end
n63=msg =$nick You have unlimited credits! Lucky you!
n109=msg $nick File sent. You now have %new $+ b credits. Enjoy $nopath($filename) $+ .
n110=goto end
n112=msg $nick File sent... You have leech access! Enjoy $nopath($filename) $+ .
n115=1:ON CHATCLOSE:/close -c $nick
n116=#fserver end
n117=#joinad start
n118=1:ON JOIN:#: {
n119=if $nick == $me goto end
n120=.notice $nick Welcome to $chan $nick $+ . My access command for my fileserver is %cmnd $+ . You get %sbytes $+ b free if it is your first time! Sn0w'97 Special Edition.
n121=echo 3 * Advertised fileserver to $nick $+ .
n124=#joinad end
n125=#numbers disabled
n126=1:ON JOIN:%chan:/notice $nick Hello $nick $+ . We are currently playing Number v1.2. To play type '!guess <number>' in $chan $+ . Good luck!